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East Granby/Granby Little League


Please contact our Safety Officer  Bob Hazen with any questions.

Important Weather Info

As you all know, thunderstorms can pop up quickly, and we want to ensure everyone's safety as we hit the fields for practices. If severe weather is forecasted, or if you hear thunder or see lightning, please follow these guidelines:

This starts with being “weather aware” by staying on top of the latest forecast from a trusted, local meteorologist. A quiet summer day can turn stormy very quickly, so it’s important to be ready for quickly changing weather. It’s helpful to use a smartphone app at the field to monitor rain and thunderstorms approaching your area.  Lightning can strike long before it starts raining! In fact, many lightning strike victims are hit before rain begins. Lightning can strike over 10 miles away from a thunderstorm, so action needs to be taken before the wet weather arrives.

If you hear thunder or observe threatening skies, immediate action is required! It is not safe to be outside when lightning is in your area. Dugouts and pavilions do not provide safe cover during thunderstorms, and never seek shelter under a picnic shelter, under bleachers, or in a shed.

When lightning threatens, seek safety in a sturdy building that has plumbing and electricity. If this isn’t an option seek shelter in a hard-topped vehicle with the windows up. While in the vehicle, don’t touch anything metal, or any electronics. It is safe to head back to the field 30 minutes after the thunder and lightning come to an end.

For additional information and how to protect your players, coaches and spectators from sever weather, click on the 2024 ASAP Plan and look under Section 13. Weather and Health Guidelines.

Contact Us

East Granby/Granby Little League

PO Box 115 
Granby, Connecticut 06035

Email: [email protected]

East Granby/Granby Little League

PO Box 115 
Granby, Connecticut 06035

Email: [email protected]
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